Women of Emmanuel

Women of Emanuel

A fun group of women of various ages and backgrounds bonding both socially and spiritually

Women united in fellowship to grow in personal devotion to Jesus Christ and carry out God’s work through special offerings and outreach in the community. Social and devotional occasions  for members and friends of Emmanuel.

The purpose of the Women of Emmanuel (WE) is to unite the women of our church in a fellowship that helps each one to grow as an individual and in personal devotion to Jesus Christ. We participate in all facets of church life and provide social and devotional outlets for members and friends of Emmanuel. In addition to regular meetings, we sponsor many events during the year to raise funds, foster a sense of fellowship and provide outreach services to the community including:

  • OFFERING FINANCIAL SUPPORT to applying Emmanuel students furthering their education;
  • SPONSORING EVENTS like ‘The Welcome Back Family and Friends Bruch”;
  • SUPPORTING EMMANUEL’S MISSION MINISTRIES through special fundraising like “The Giving Tree” – an opportunity for donations of new toys, gloves, mittens, scarves, and clothing for needy children ages 13 and under;
  • SOCIAL EVENTS like the monthly book club, dinners, outing for the girls