Emmanuel holds a Community Peace and Justice Forum to discuss High School Student Action Against Gun Violence

Peace and Justice Forum Slider 3.20.18

Emmanuel Baptist Church will hold a Peace and Justice Forum entitled, “High School Student Action Against Gun Violence” on Tuesday, March 20th at 7:00-8:30pm in the Peace Lounge. Laurence Fine and Alana Benson, Ridgewood High School Student Leaders, will speak followed by a discussion.

The Forum is preceded by a non-fundraising Community Pasta Dinner, which starts at 6:00pm in Heritage Hall. Suggested donation is $4 per adult and $2 per child. Since there is limited space, it is suggested that you reserve your seat by calling the Church office at 201-444-7300.

Emmanuel, founded in 1891, is celebrating its 126th Anniversary Year and maintains a tradition of community outreach. Emmanuel is located at 14 Hope Street, at the corner of Hope Street and East Ridgewood Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ.  The building is ADA accessible and all are invited to attend.