Hackensack public school teachers, Kelly and Cori Carroll, found a way to help their community members in need by offering healthy food assistance to 180 families. They received contributions from hundreds of friends, teachers, and food distributors and now, online donors, to keep “food on table” for those who need it, “as long as the donations keep coming in.”
The Emmanuel congregation became involved when Senior Pastor Ken Gill heard about the Carrolls from Patrice Foresman, Executive Director of The Hackensack Main Street Business Alliance, and contacted them.
Soon after, they delivered 2,000 lbs. of fruits, vegetables, meats, and eggs donated by friends at the Hunts Point Produce Market in Bronx, NY.
Through the church’s efforts, Emmanuel has provided several large shipments of fruits and vegetables to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey and delivered food parcels to 20 families.
Pastor Gill said, “Jesus healed the sick, comforted the grieving and gave the bread of life. At Emmanuel, we are doing our best to follow his example. We teamed up with Kelly and Cori of Carroll Family Values, to help as many families as we can. We know the needs will continue, and more will have to step up if the needs are to be met!”