Daily Bible Readings for July, 2020

Let’s continue to share daily readings during this summer season, as we remember that God is always with us and that we are brothers and sisters on the journey of faith during these difficult days.  

These readings and reflection questions come from Sacred Space.

July 12:  Matthew 13:1-8

What helps or hinders the growth of God’s word in my own life?

July 13:  Matthew 10: 34-11:1

Let us pray for the grace of real interior freedom and for courage to be true to ourselves and to our calling.

July 14:  Matthew 11: 20-24

Let us pray for our society and for its conversion.  May we see what part we can play as responsible citizens.

July 15:  Matthew 11: 25-27

May we have the grace to become like a little child, willing to listen and learn, and be surprised by how and what God tells us.  Let us thank God for his love for us in becoming one of us so that we can understand better who God is.

July 16:  Matthew 11: 28-30

The reign of the coming savior will not just bring security and welcome to any persons who feel lost and abandoned.  Jesus’ kingdom also promises relief and support to those who simply feel that life has become too much for them.  Jesus understands each of us better that we understand ourselves, and his gentle heart goes out to us.  Jesus’ rest—the sense of have been accepted—banishes weariness and renews our energy, for he is the energy center of the universe.

July 17:  Matthew 12: 1-8

I pray that I can allow myself to be challenged by Jesus’ presence and demands,

July 18:  Matthew 12: 14-21

Jesus was an advocate of justice who quietly proclaimed a message of love that set his people free.  He was full of gentleness and compassion.  He has given me his Spirit, and he wants to bless me as I draw closer to him.

July 19:  Matthew 13: 24-30

Good and evil coexist in human life and in the world.  Nothing and no one is perfect.  We are all in need of forgiveness and redemption.  Help me to produce a rich harvest of good works to the greater glory of God. 

July 20:  Matthew 12: 38-42

Jesus compares himself to Jonah, the prophet who preached conversion.  He claims to be even greater than Jonah, or Solomon, so that our resistance to conversion will be our condemnation.  I ask not be be deaf to his call to change what I need to change.

July 21:  Matthew 12: 46-50

Jesus always speaks of the invitation to God’s reign as being broad and inclusive.  I give thanks for the generosity of God that sees me included in God’s loving plan.

July 22:  John 20: 1-2, 11-18

I thank God for the first witnesses to the Resurrection and I ask for the grace to be a joyful and enthusiastic witness to the presence of the risen Jesus in the world and to the joy and freedom that he radiates.  May I not be deaf to his call and respond to it with generosity.

July 23:  Matthew 13: 10-17

Jesus speaks in parables to challenge us out of our laziness, seeking the deeper meaning of things.  How easy to be distracted, especially nowadays when we feel overwhelmed by too much information and images without any insight.  Jesus calls me blessed and happy, for I am a witness of his presence.  I ask for a greater awareness of his presence and for a deep joy in being a member of the kingdom.

July 24:  Matthew 13: 18-23

I look at my life in gratitude for the abundant fruit that the word sown in my heart has produced, and I also look at those areas where the word finds it difficult to bear lasting fruit.  I ask for light and freedom to remove these obstacles and distractions.

July 25:  Matthew 20: 20-28

How often the gospel portrays even those closest to Jesus struggling with questions of power and service.  I look into my own heart and dwell on Jesus’ words.  I ask for the grace to grow in my imitation of him who came to serve and not to be served.

July 26:  Matthew 13: 44-52

In our world, we are becoming more and more polarized, each side claiming to be the only ones to have all the truth.  I ask for wisdom and freedom to seek the kingdom before all else.

July 27:  Matthew 13: 31-35

We would like to see the kingdom as something spectacular that cannot but convince everybody of its truth.  Yet Jesus speaks of a tiny seed that will eventually grow into a tree that offers shelter to the small ones.  I ask for light to see the many mustard seeds that inhabit my world so that I may grow in trust and in my readiness to commit myself more fully to the kingdom.

July 28:  Matthew 13: 36-43

The world and the individuals in it are a mixture of good and evil.  We have within ourselves warring spirits.  Am I aware of these in myself?  I pray to gain knowledge of the true life in Christ.

July 29:  Matthew 10: 38-42

It is easy to be distracted and fragmented when many things call for attention.  Martha seems to have been distracted by the many things she had to do; she forgot whom she was doing them for.  How is it with me?

July 30:  Matthew 13: 47-53

Jesus speaks in parables, a form of storytelling, to help his words come to life for his followers in everyday language. Let us listen to understand.

July 31:  Matthew 13: 54-58

The people were jealous of Jesus and wanted to take him down to their level.  How do we respond to positive growth and change in others?  Do we give generous acknowledgement, or take offense?