Let’s continue to share in these Daily Bible Readings and reflections from Sacred Space as we go through these uncertain times.
October 1: Luke 10: 1-12
Jesus sends us out just as we are, with our limited strengths and our frailties, to offer healing, comfort, peace, and harmony to all we meet.
October 2: Matthew 18: 1-5, 10
The clear heart and the simple honesty of a child make us sit up and pay attention and smile in admiration. I pause in silence to reflect on the true greatness to be found in a child, and I pray for those who have children in their care.
October 3: Luke 10: 17-24
The seventy disciples return to Jesus, delighted with themselves. Their mission to bring peace and reconciliation has overcome hatred and evil. Jesus reminds them that the power working in them comes from the love God has for them.
October 4: Matthew 21: 33-43
May we be among those who do not reject the very stone that is the cornerstone, and may we produce the fruits of the kingdom.
October 5: Luke 10:25-37
“Who is my neighbor?” How does this parable teach us to answer that question?
October 6: Luke 10: 38-42
Martha is too worried and distracted to be able to really listen to Jesus. Jesus was concerned about Martha burdening herself unnecessarily. He does not want her to worry so much. Imagine Jesus calling you by name—twice, gently. What would he say to you?
October 7: Luke 11: 1-4
Identify one phrase in The Lord’s Prayer and meditate on it today.
October 8: Luke 11: 5-13
God, what do I receive from you when I pray and pray? Your presence? Understanding? Compassion?
October 9: Luke 11: 15-26
Trusting in the power of God means that we believe there is someone powerful and loving at the source of all the events of our lives, all the events in the world, and all the extraordinary events in the universe. I pray for the world, giving thanks for the good that emanates from God.
October 10: Luke 11: 27-28
We often follow and like. How often do we act on what we believe?
October 11: Matthew 22: 1-14
I pray that I may remain humble, be conscious of how I am blessed, and grow in trust as I respond to God’s Spirit in my life.
October 12: Luke 11; 29-32
The Ninevites were moved to repentance by the prophetic sign of Jonah, which they recognized as the authentic word of God. Later God sent his Son into our world as the ultimate sign of his love for us.
October 13; Luke 11: 37-41
Jesus tells us that holiness lies in wholeness and integrity; we are invited to be of one piece, without deep contradictions. I ask that any divisions in me be healed—that I be made whole.
October 14: Luke 11: 42-46
Jesus saw those who were self-satisfied and just serving themselves, while neglecting the life of the spirit, justice and the love of God. How is it with me?
October 15: Luke 11: 47-54
Many prophets before Jesus suffered death for telling the truth; this would be Jesus’ fate as well. It is a great freedom to be open to the truth and not embedded in our prejudices. I ask the Lord for the kind of security in my relationship with him that enables me to be more open-minded.
October 16: Luke 12: 1-7
Do I care even for the sparrows and the smallest details in the lives of people I know? How can I show this care?
October 17: Luke 12: 8-12
Not only does Jesus promise his constant presence in the lives of his faithful ones, but he also promises the help and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. How do I feel when I consider that I may always call upon the help of the Holy Spirit?
October 18: Matthew 22: 15-21
Jesus remains free and firm in the face of plots against him, as his enemies try to find a way to silence him.
October 19: Luke 12: 13-21
In this parable, Jesus attacks greed and egotism. This rich man is living for this world and this life only, thinking only of himself, with no awareness of others’ needs. I ask Jesus to show me the real values and riches in my own life.
October 20: Luke 12: 35-38
Am I being challenged to recognize Jesus in the guise of a stranger, a person who is ill or who needs an encouraging word? Do I treasure these opportunities as an encounter with Christ? Lord, make me vigilant so that I may recognize your face in my encounters today.
October 21: Luke 12: 39-48
We are called to be awake, alert, and ready. “The glory of God is the human person fully alive!” Prayer times are our moments of being ready. The Lord can touch our lives at any time with a mood of peace, a challenge, a word. Prayer is God’s gift to us and God’s work within us.
October 22: Luke 12: 49-53
The Gospel is a call to conversion, to becoming a “new creation.” Lord, your message is not just about being nice. It means being angry at times, confronting injustice, taking a stand.
October 23: Luke 12: 54-59
The ability to be honest with myself and to be in touch with the movements in my heart and mind provide a wonderful and solid foundation for interior growth. I ask the Lord for the gift of sensitivity.
October 24; Luke 13: 1-9
Jesus came to help us have a right relationship with God. The time given for the fig tree to bear fruit testifies to God’s patience with us. Cultivating the fig tree is a symbol of God’s mercy in action. God is patient and loving and has planted the seeds of change in my heart. Now is the time for these seeds to bear fruit.
October 25: Matthew 22: 34-40
God’s love shines on me as the sun shines on earth. Real prayer includes resting gratefully in that love. I have a treasure in my heart, which is the limitless love of God for me. But I must share it with my neighbor. I ask to be a true channel of God’s love to others.
October 26: Luke 13: 10-17
When Jesus healed the woman, she praised God for being set free from her ailment. Yet, there was ongoing opposition to Jesus. Why do you think Jesus’ opponents were so insistent about the rules? Am I also prone to being hypocritical in some area of my life?
October 27: Luke 13: 18-21
Could it be that the simplest acts of kindness and service are truly the kingdom of God growing in the world? The growth is slow and undramatic, simple, humble, and mysterious.
October 28: Luke 6: 12-16
It seems that Jesus and his Father spent the whole night in conversation about the choosing of the twelve disciples. Do I consult God about the decisions I have to make? Whenever I see the names of the disciples, I dare to include mine. Jesus calls me to be a disciple, too. I thank God for people from whom I have received blessings; their discipleship has build me up in faith, and I pray that I may do that for others.
October 29: Luke 13: 31-35
Despite the fact that his death was imminent, Jesus, because of his great love, continued to care for people who were suffering. I ask for this great grace: to persevere in doing good in the face of great difficulties.
October 30: Luke 14: 1-6
He knew that he was being watched by his critics, but Jesus was able to act in freedom for the good of another. I ask God’s help so that I don’t hold back from what I know to be good, even at the risk of criticism.
October 31: Luke 14: 7-11
“All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” How do these words speak to me?