Daily Bible Readings for December 2020


During this Advent and Christmas Season, let’s share in these Daily Bible Readings from Sacred Space as we anticipate and as we celebrate God’s Presence with us.


First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 29:  Mark 13: 33-37

Advent begins today.  We spend this time preparing for the coming of Christ into our world.  He is here already, of course, but he wants to come closer.  Let me be one of his points of entry by keeping awake to open the door when he knocks.


Nov. 30:  Matthew 4: 18-22

Simon Peter and Andrew, James and John heard the voice of Jesus while at their work.  They heeded and responded.  Do I work in a way that keeps me tuned in to a message that is for my salvation?


Dec. 1: Luke 10: 21-24

Our sense of wonder is strongest when we are children and the whole world is new.  As we grow older, we may look without seeing and listen without hearing.  I ask the Holy Spirit to make me sensitive to God’s self-revelation in the everyday events of my life.


Dec. 2:  Matthew 15: 29-37

We must never think we have little to give others.  As St. Teresa of Avila reminds us, “Christ has no body now but yours.  No hands, no feet on earth but yours.  Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world.  Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good.  Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world.”


Dec. 3:  Matthew 7: 21, 24-27

Love is expressed more in deeds than in words.  This is our life:  listening to the word of God and doing it.  We are building up the Body of Christ.


Dec. 4:  Matthew 9: 27-31

The Lord meets us face-to-face to show us mercy, just as he did with the blind men.


Dec. 5:  Matthew 9: 35-10:1, 5a, 6-8

Jesus engaged with vigilant eyes and ears to the cry of the suffering world.  He was the compassionate one, bringing balm to the wounded places of their lives.  Help me to respond with loving compassion to all who come to me.


Dec. 6:  Second Sunday of Advent:  Mark 1: 1-8

Jesus ‘ love transforms the pain and brings about the salvation of our world.  He bears steady witness to the light.  I ask that I may always witness to light and truth and love.


Dec. 7:  Luke 5: 17-26

The man’s friends use team effort and creativity to ensure that their paralyzed friend meets Jesus.  An encounter happens that heals not only his body but also frees him from the paralysis of sin.  May we know the Lord’s healing forgiveness.


Dec. 8:  Luke 1: 26-38

Mary was called and chosen and her response moves from one of fear to total trust in God.  May it be so with us.


Dec. 9:  Matthew 11: 28-30

Jesus is gentle and humble in heart.  He knows our need and offers us rest for our souls.


Dec. 10:  Matthew 11: 11-15

John prepared the way for Jesus’ coming and prepared people to receive him  May we

do the same.


Dec. 11:  Matthew 11: 16-19

Lord, help me not to so easily judge, dismiss, and reject people.  Help me to be open to listening and to accepting of others.


Dec. 12:  Luke 1: 26-38

Nothing is impossible to God!  There is always hope.


Third Sunday of Advent: Dec. 13:  John 1: 6-8, 19-28

John knew that his role was to bring people to Christ, to be baptized with the Holy Spirit that would lead us and guide us and be at work in us.


Dec. 14:  Matthew 21: 23-27

Lord, keep me open today to holy mystery.


Dec. 15:  Matthew 21: 28-32

Promises are empty when not followed by action.  I pray to be honest and to keep my promises.


Dec. 16:  Luke 7: 18b-23

My desire for a world of peace and justice is met by a world of violence and injustice.  This Advent, Lord, refill my inner lamp and let me walk in faith and trust.


Dec. 17:  Matthew 1: 1-17

There are surprises in this list of Jesus’ ancestors.  It includes five women, four of whom were Gentiles.  And there are some notable sinners.  This highlights the inclusivity of Jesus’ mission.  As Paul writes in Galatians 3: 28-29:  “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.”


Dec. 18:  Matthew 1: 18-25

Can I share the sense of awe and wonderment that God becomes incarnate in a human baby boy?


Dec. 19:  Luke 1: 5-25

Zechariah doubted the angel’s message.  I ask for God’s help with my own doubts and difficulties.


The Fourth Sunday of Advent: Dec. 20: Luke 1: 26-38

Mary’s response to the angel was “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.”  May that be my prayer, too.


Dec. 21:  Luke 1: 39-45

The One, long awaited, has finally come to visit his people, to bring peace and joy!


Dec. 22:  Luke 1: 46-56

This glorious prayer of Mary, the Magnificat, is charged with dynamite.  It points to a society in which nobody wants to have too much while others have too little.  The hungry are fed and the lowly are raised up.


Dec. 23:  Luke 1: 57-66

How do I stay open to the God of surprises, to the Spirit who moves at will?  Is my comfort zone too well defended for me to be surprised by grace?


Dec. 24:  Luke 1: 67-79

Zechariah, released from his silence, bursts forth in profound praise, proclaiming the activity of God at work in our world’s history.  The savior is coming!  His own son will act as witness and light-bearer to the loving kindness and mercy of the great and holy one.  Remind me again of how mercy is the dominant theme of how you walk with us, Lord.  You are forever tender toward me.  Help me to grow daily in the awareness of your mercy and tenderness, constantly at work in my life.

Dec. 25:  John 1: 1-18

Christmas is not simply the celebration of the birth of the baby Jesus, but also the awesome mystery of the Incarnation of God.  God has come to be with us—Emmanuel!


Dec. 26:  Matthew 10: 17-22

Christian joy is a deep peace that remains even in the midst of great opposition and difficulty.  This will always be part of the Christian life.


Dec. 27: Luke 2: 22-40

The Holy Spirit helped Simeon and the prophet, Anna, to recognize who Jesus was and to praise God and bless the parents of Jesus.  May I be sensitive to the Holy Spirit that dwells in me and respond to the Spirit’s promptings each day.


Dec. 28:  Matthew 2: 13-18

Herod’s action was motivated by his pride and self-seeking.  The terrible scene evokes the atrocities that still make the news.  I pray with compassion for all who are affected by violence and cruelty.  Lord, keep my heart open to the griefs that confront me.


Dec. 29:  Luke 2: 22-35

Simeon has lived a life of constant watchfulness and prayer, waiting for the Messiah.  He recognized Jesus as the Promised One.  Lord, may I too open my eyes in grateful amazement when I see you interventions in my life.


Dec. 30:  Luke 2: 36-40

How blessed the 84-year-old prophet Anna was to see the Savior for whom she had waited so long.  How blessed we are to have the Savior near us every day of our lives.

Every day is crucial, with such richness and potential.


Dec. 31:  John 1: 1-18

As our year draws to a close, today’s Scripture brings us back to the beginning of all time.  Let us take time to recall the greatest event of all:  God has entered our world, not just for a day’s visit, but has made it his permanent dwelling. 

Let me reflect on how the light of God’s presence has impacted my life during this past year.  Let me be grateful and give thanks for all I have received from God and through the gift of other people.