Daily Bible Readings For April 2021

During this season after Easter, let’s continue to share these Daily Bible Readings from Sacred Space as we move on to Pentecost.

April 1, Holy Thursday:  John 13: 1-15

Jesus invites us to listen and to allow him to serve us.  “Accept who I am and then be who you are!”


April 2, Good Friday:  John 18:1–19:42

What do I learn from Jesus as he goes through his trial and crucifixion?


April 3, Holy Saturday:  Mark 16: 1-7

May we, too, go on to Galilee, trusting that we will meet Jesus.


April 4, Easter Sunday:  John 20: 1-9

The resurrection is an explosion of love!  It ushers in a new dimension of being, through which a new world emerges.  Death is overcome by God’s eternal love!


April 5:  Matthew 28: 8-15

The invitation of Jesus is to go to Galilee and there “they will see me.”  He invites us to go on and be aware of God’s presence with us everywhere we go.


April 6:  John 20: 111-18

Like Mary may we become aware of the Lord’s living presence with us.


April 7:  Luke 24; 13-35

This story offers a rich image of prayer.  You welcome the Lord and tell your story.  He listens intently and brings light and blessing.


April 8:  Luke 24: 35-48

We see the disciples, feel their fear, and observe their fear being changed into joy as they realize that the Lord is indeed in their midst.


April 9:  John 21: 1-14

Jesus meets us at the water’s edge of our ordinary life.  He accepts us lovingly, encourages us, and invites us to abundance.  Nourished by the food of his word, warmed by the fire of his unfailing love, may we, in turn, nourish, heal, and love those we meet today.

April 10:  Mark 16: 9-15

To be disciples and share the good news is the invitation of Jesus to all of us.  We do so in silence, or with words, and with our way of life.  What can I do this day to spread God’s good news?


April 11:  John 20: 19-31

Thomas meets Jesus and touches his wounds and affirms “My Lord and my God!”  He sees both his humanity and his divinity.


April 12:  John 3: 1-8

When Jesus tries to teach Nicodemus, he does not seem to learn.  How receptive am I as a learner?  Is my heart open?


April 13:  John 3: 7-15

Jesus wants me to present myself in the world in a new way: I am to start over.  He wants me to live out a Spirit-filled life.  I am to attend to the promptings of the Spirit in making my choices.


April 14:  John 3: 16-21

God loves the world, loves each one of us, loves me.  This is the whole message of Jesus, expressed in his words and embodied, directly or indirectly, in the whole of his life.  We live in the new world of God when we love; when we love others and love God.  Prayer is relaxing into the mystery of being loved by God.


April 15: John 3: 31-36

Lord, I feel so earthbound, so stuck in the mud.  Raise me up and keep reminding me that you want me to be with you in that divine dimension that you inhabit.


April 16:  John 6: 1-15

The small offering of the boy fed the people.  God can make much of what we offer.  We never know where our efforts to love, to help, and to support others may bear fruit.


April 17:  John 6: 16-21

Our resources are never enough, but God has limitless resources, enough for us to do what God wants done.  Jesus reveals the God of abundance.


April 18:  Luke 24: 35-48

The disciples realize that the Lord is with them and he commissions them to continue his mission.  What are your feelings as you read this passage?


April 19:  John 6: 22-20

Putting yourself into the scene, how do you think you might have reacted?


April 20:  John 6: 30-35

Jesus wants to open our hearts to receive what God is offering; we need to open our eyes to recognize it.  Help us to be ready to receive God’s grace in new ways.


April 21:  John 6: 35-40

May I look on everything that is good as a gift from God and an invitation to embrace the life that God offers.


April 22:  John 6: 44-51

Our prayer is itself a response to God who draws us.  God draws us to what is true, to what is life-giving, to what is loving.


April 23:  John 6: 52-59

We are invited to receive the Lord into our life and to be nourished by him.


April 24:  John 6: 60-69

Jesus’ abiding desire is to give everyone life to the full.  Lord, draw me close to you, and be spirit and life for me.


April 25:  John 10: 11-18

Jesus calls us to humility and trust.  I ask to listen for the voice of the Good Shepherd, allowing him to lead me and trusting that he is leading others, too, even if in ways I don’t understand.


April 26: John 10: 1-10

Jesus has come that “we might have life, and have it abundantly.”  This is a New Testament version of Psalm 23, where the sheep wants for absolutely nothing and who is followed, for its whole life, by goodness and mercy.


April 27:  John 10: 22-30

What promises! Jesus says, “My sheep hear my voice and follow me.  I give them eternal life, and they will never perish.  No one will snatch them out of my hand!”


April 28: John 12: 44-50

Jesus is always pointing us to his Father.  All of us are invited into the family life of God!


April 29:  John 13: 16-20

Followers of Jesus are called to serve.  He is himself the model of service.  Consider what it means to you to be a follower of Jesus.


April 30:  John 14: 1-6

“We are spiritual beings having a human experience…”  The spiritual embraces and transcends the human dimension of our lives.  Do you have a sense that your life includes and is more that your span of life on earth?