During this season after Easter, let’s continue to share these Daily Bible Readings from Sacred Space as we move on toward Pentecost.
May 1: Matthew 13: 54-58
Imagine how it was for Jesus when his own people “took offense at him.” Recall
what it is like for you when people are rude to you. Let us pray to allow God to do
“deeds of power” through us for the good of the world.
May 2: John 15: 1-8
God is working deep in our hearts to draw us closer. Am I resisting or open to God’s Spirit at work within me?
May 3: John 14: 6-14
Following Jesus is a call to be in relationship. Jesus invites me into the very heart of life, the source of goodness; to be with him “in the Father.” Take a few moments to recognize and appreciate where God is working in and around you.
May 4: John 14: 27-31a
Jesus says to us, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” Let us give thanks for these gifts of peace and courage.
May 5: John 15: 1-8
Thank God that even though our life is always changing, our home, our permanent resting place is in God.
May 6: John 15: 9-11
Following Jesus’ example of obedience to the will of God is foundational in the Christian life.
May 7: John 15: 12-17
God created me, called me, and loves me. May we respond generously to his call.
May 8: John 15: 18-21
Witnessing to love means standing for justice. God’s kingdom is a kingdom of justice and truth. May we contribute to its growth.
May 9: John 17: 11b-19
The words for “joy” occur 335 times in the Bible! It is God’s gift to us.
May 10: John 15: 26–16: 4a
Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit, the “Advocate.” The work of the Holy Spirit affirms the life and love of Jesus, giving witness to what is true.
May 11: John 16: 5-11
Because of the gift of the Holy Spirit, we don’t have to rely on our own resources to reach God. The Holy Spirit inspires us and leads us.
May 12: John 16: 12-15
At the Last Supper, Jesus poured out the depth of his love for his followers. His words and actions comforted and strengthened them in ways that only the Holy Spirit might help them understand. I ask for the grace of experiencing God’s tremendous love for me.
May 13: John 16: 16-20
Jesus told the disciples about his death and resurrection. He would be taken from them in death and would come back after his resurrection. Their sorrow would turn to joy. Our sorrow also will turn to joy. We interpret the troubles of our lives in this way, in the light of the cross which is followed by eternal life with Christ.
May 14: John 15: 9-17
My love for others must not be conditioned by how they respond. Jesus loves me totally. My love must have that quality too. True love never ends.
May 15: John 16: 23b-28
Jesus speaks of joy. What is the source of my joy? I recall the times I have been joyful and allow my joy to be more complete by recognizing, appreciating, and giving thanks for these times.
May 16: Mark 16: 15-20
God is determined to bring us all into the final community of love. Let us find creative ways to be good news to those around us.
May 17: John 16: 29-33
Let us pray to experience the peace and the presence of God with us.
May 18: John 17: 1-11a
Jesus’ mission is to reveal the infinite love and mercy of God, in all circumstances, for the whole of humanity. Love and mercy are most evident when Jesus responds with love and mercy to his being betrayed, rejected, mocked, scourged, and crucified. The message is that nothing can separate us from his love and mercy. He makes clear the inner nature of God. The evil of the whole human race is transformed in the heart of Jesus crucified. Ponder what he endures to convey the infinite mercy and love of God. “By his wounds you have been healed.” (I Peter 2: 24)
May 19: John 17: 11b-19
This chapter of John presents Jesus as the giver of divine life. He possesses the fullness of Godly life. Jesus gave himself to us as teacher, healer, protector, and always as loving friend. What is your favorite title for Jesus?
May 20: John 17: 20-26
Jesus prays that “all may be one.” This oneness is much greater and deeper than uniformity. This is a oneness in which love is given and received, a love which embraces difference. In love there is difference, but not division.
May 21: John 21: 15-19
Jesus focuses on Peter’s capacity to love, not on his failure. He does not admonish Peter for his betrayals. Because he loves, Peter is given a great responsibility to care for the early Christian community. Do I focus on my failures and am I unable to accept that the Lord loves me as I am—and still has work for me to do?
May 22: John 21: 20-25
The blank page at the end of a Bible is for us to write our own gospel! Give thanks for the love and action of God evident in your life.
May 23, Pentecost Sunday: John 20: 19-23
Let us pray for God’s Spirit to fill us with peace and light on this Pentecost Sunday!
May 24: Mark 10: 17-27
The rich man walked away with his wealth and with his sadness. Have you even been sad because you didn’t do something good that you could have done?
May 25: Mark 10: 28-31
I pray for a deeper trust and faith in the message of Jesus and in his presence with me. Aware of anything that causes me to be too cautious or calculating, I ask God’s help.
May 26: Mark 10: 32-45
Jesus calls us to a life of love and service for others.
May 27: Mark 10: 46-52
Let us pray with Bartimaeus: “Master, let me receive my sight.” Let me see all that is to be seen and give thanks for this light-filled world around me.
May 28: Mark 11: 11-26
The church is to be a house of prayer, not of commerce—for all nations, without compartments—and a place where all can seek God.
May 29: Mark 11: 27-33
The opponents of Jesus question the source of his authority. They fear it may undermine their own power. True authority comes from God and is to be used as God intends.
May 30: Matthew 28: 16-20
Jesus continues to call us and to promise to be with us always. Let us give thanks for this challenge and this promise.
May 31: Luke 1: 39-56
Mary rejoices in God’s activity in her life. She is passionate about justice and the reign of God. May God give us such a spirit!