Daily Bible Readings For August 2021


During this summer season, let’s continue to share these Daily Bible Readings from Sacred Space as we continue our spiritual journey together.

August 1:John 6: 24-35

Jesus came that we might be nourished, fed, strengthened, more alive, and empowered to share the love and generosity of God with others.

Aug. 2:  Matthew 14: 13-21

God uses us to be his love and compassion in the world in spite of our weaknesses and frailties.  He takes the little that we have and multiplies it a thousandfold.  God can provide spiritual nourishment beyond our imagining.

Aug. 3: Matthew 14: 22-36

Lord, when we are afraid, help us realize that you are always at our side.  In all the difficult times of our lives, help us hear your encouraging words:  “Do not be afraid.”  

With you near, nothing can be too much for us.

Aug 4:  Matthew 15: 21-28

This woman was persistent in pursuing what she wanted as she announced her request.  As she did, help me to enter into conversation with you, Lord, and to remain in relationship with you always.

Aug. 5:  Matthew 16: 13-23

Here we see how difficult the disciples found it to understand the message of Jesus and follow it.  Help me, Lord, to understand and to follow.

Aug. 6:  Mark 9: 2-10

Peter, James and John experienced the presence of God—in wonder and delight when Jesus was transfigured on the mountain.  May we, too, experience the wonder and glory of God’s presence with us.

Aug. 7:  Matthew 17: 14-20

Jesus had no doubt that if we had enough faith we could move mountains.  I pray for an increase in faith and a deeper love of Jesus.  “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.” (Mark 9: 24)

Aug. 8:  John 6: 41-51

Here Jesus is appealing to us to be aware of the divine relationships that underpin our lives.  More is going on than we realize;  we are being made into the daughters or sons of God!  There is more to us than meets the eye, no matter how poorly we are responding!

Aug 9:  Matthew 17: 22-27

As we face the unknown future, let us hear Jesus’ words and receive the assurance of his abiding presence.  He says to us, “Peace be with you…Take heart…Do not be afraid.”

Aug. 10:  John 12: 24-26

Let us follow Jesus and let him lead us to where he wants us to serve and not try to do it our way.

Aug. 11:  Matthew 18: 15-20

Jesus reminds us that by being members of the church community, we are responsible for one another.  In our correcting of one another, let us pray to be given love and wisdom.

Aug. 12:  Matthew 18: 21-19:1

Am I generous and forgiving?  The world needs me to radiate God’s own love and to foster reconciliation and peace.  Enable me, O Lord, to show forgiveness to those who do me wrong.

Aug. 13:  Matthew 19: 2-12

We are called to compassion.  Condemnation is no help.  We are all limitlessly loved and called to become the daughters and sons of God.

Aug. 14:  Matthew 19: 13-15

Jesus shows how important children are, and how they need our care, concern, and love.

Aug. 15:  Luke 1: 39-56

I ask you, Lord, to give me Mary’s confidence and generosity of spirit.  I ask to listen to your voice and do your will, joyfully and fearlessly, trusting that “your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.”

Aug. 16:  Matthew 19: 16-22

Jesus here speaks of the commandments that address our relationships with one another.  We do not live in isolation.  Love for our neighbor is the door to eternal life.

Aug. 17:  Matthew 19: 23-30

How do my attachments prevent my full discipleship?  Help me to respond wholeheartedly to God’s generosity and faithfulness.

Aug. 18:  Matthew 20: 1-16

In this parable, people work hard, and work has dignity.  Even those who did not manage to find work for the whole day receive enough to safeguard their dignity.  The rules of the kingdom go beyond strict justice and create respect and solidarity.  Lord, may your kingdom come in our world so full of injustice and tension.

Aug. 19:  Matthew 22: 1-14

I ask God to help me respond as best I can to this real invitation.  I will shake off the rags of my injustice, my less good self, and dress in the clothes of a new, more loving person.

Aug. 20:  Matthew 22: 34-40

Jesus never allowed the laws of religion to overtake the need for love.  Love of God and love of neighbor—this is the only commandment of Jesus.

Aug. 21:  Matthew 23: 1-12

The Christian identity is servant, disciple, humble follower.  Greatness is seen in love, in serving the needs of others, as Jesus did.  We remember that at the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of the disciples.  Many honor success, wealth, self-importance.  Jesus shows a different way.

Aug. 22:John 6: 60-69

“The glory of God is the human person fully alive.” (Irenaeus)  I know I am only half-alive, so I ask you, Lord,  to work on me so that I become more life you.  You are fully alive as a human being, and this is because you are totally open to God.

Aug. 23:  Matthew 23: 13-22

Jesus uses the strongest language to condemn those who confuse the externals of religion with what might be at its heart.  I let God lead me, prepared to let go of habits, rituals, and externals, so that I may better hear the voice of God.

Aug. 24:  John 1: 45-51

Help me to always be good news to those I meet and share God’s love.

Aug 25:  Matthew 23: 27-32

I pray for those who are willing to risk speaking truth to power, as Jesus did.  And I pray for those who abuse their power, and for their victims.


Aug. 26:  Matthew 23: 42-51

Recall the times when God’s presence was very real to you and give thanks.


Aug 27:  Matthew 25: 1-13

As the wise bridesmaids in this parable, may I realize what it is that I must do now, and be prepared to recognize the coming bridegroom and welcome him.


Aug. 28:  Matthew 25: 14-30

I ask myself which person in this parable I am like.  I pray for the grace of inner freedom to be able to express my gratitude for my gifts through the way I live.


Aug. 29:  Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Let us pray to be grateful.  We can always think of something to be thankful for.  In thanks, the spirit of joy and blessing will flow into us and through us.


Aug 30:  Luke 4: 16-30

As I reflect on Jesus’ understanding of his mission. I ask what the Spirit of the Lord is sending me to do as his follower.  I ask for the grace not to be deaf to his call but to carry it out with great generosity.


Aug. 31:  Luke 4: 31-37

Help me, Jesus to hear your voice as you seek to lead me to life.