Daily Bible Readings for November 2022

As we read and meditate on these Scripture passages this month, let us give thanks to God for our many blessings.


Nov. 1:  Matthew 5: 1-12

The Beatitudes show us just where the blessing and presence of God may be found.


Nov. 2:  John 6: 37-40

Today let us remember with gratitude those who have gone before and the ways they have blessed our lives.


Nov. 3:  Luke 15: 1-10

Here we read the complaint of the Pharisees and scribes:  “Jesus welcomes sinners and eats with them!”  God, in Jesus, shows himself close to those who make mistakes, even big ones!  Jesus shows us God’s mercy.


Nov. 4:  Luke 16: 1-8

Jesus teaches us to use our resources not selfishly, but with sensitivity to others’ needs.


Nov. 5:  Luke 16: 9-15

What do I think Jesus is inviting me to do in relation to my possessions?  He says,

“You cannot serve God and wealth.”


Nov. 6:  Luke 20: 27-38

What speaks to you in this passage about Jesus’ response to the question about resurrection?


Nov. 7:  Luke 17: 1-6

The fact that we have failed ourselves and failed others does not excuse us from a continual effort to forgive and love.  We must never forget that that process starts with ourselves.


Nov. 8:  Luke 17: 7-10

Let us remember, in the words of the Prophet Micah, that all that is necessary is “to act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with our God.”


Nov. 9:  John 2: 13-22

We are the temple of God in the world.  How do we understand the meaning of this?


Nov. 10:  Luke 17: 20-25

I ask God to help me see how God’s Spirit is at work in the world around me.

Nov. 11:  Luke 17: 26-37

We are called to live a life of self-giving love.


Nov. 12:  Luke 18:1-8

I pray for the grace to hear Jesus encouraging me in my efforts to pray always, helping me not to lose heart.


Nov. 13:  Luke 21: 5-19

No matter what happens, we are called to be faithful to the end, trusting in God to bring us through it all.


Nov. 14:  Luke 18: 35-43

Just as Jesus healed the blind man in this account, I pray that I, too, may be healed of my blindness and clearly see the beauty and also the need all around me.


Nov. 15:  Luke 19: 1-10

Often we are like Zacchaeus, making huge efforts to catch a glimpse of Jesus, only to find that he is waiting for us, calling our name, inviting himself into our heart.  Once we are with him, we find happiness in putting things right, ordering our life, finding the springs of generosity and justice that have been stifled.


Nov. 16:  Luke 19: 11-28

If we use the gifts we have been given wisely, we grow and blossom.  If not, we remain stuck and stagnant.


Nov. 17:  Luke 19: 41-44

Jesus wept over the city, saying, “If you had only recognized the things that make for peace!”  Do we recognize the things that make for peace in our day?


Nov. 18:  Matthew 14: 22-33

Peter had courage when his eyes were on Jesus, but foundered when he focused on himself and his situation.  I ask God to help me to keep Jesus before me.


Nov. 19:  Luke 20: 27-40

How easy it is to waste time and energy in debates that create needless division and distract us from our most important work.  May we focus on what is essential.


Nov. 20:  Luke 23: 35-43

This passage reminds us that humility brings a true perspective and is the ground for meeting God.  I pray for humility.

Nov. 21:  Luke 21: 1-4

With whom do you identify in this story?  There is a difference between giving alms and sharing ourselves, our goods with those who have less.  Are you being asked to give of yourself today?


Nov. 22:  Luke 21: 5-11

In times of great trouble, what sustains me?  Do I set my heart on God?  Do I let God’s Spirit help me grow in compassion and in courage to take action to help?


Nov. 23:  Luke 21: 12-19

In times of trouble, we can choose either to despair or to endure.  Paul writes: “Endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.”  Let us choose endurance!


Nov. 24:  Luke 21: 20-28

In times of suffering, let us pray to continue to trust in God’s loving presence with us.


Nov. 25:  Luke 21: 29-33

As we come to the end of the Church year let us consider whether we want to belong to the kingdom that Jesus is inaugurating and not only to belong but also to make it our life’s work.


Nov. 26:  Luke 21: 34-36

This passage reminds us to be on guard so that our hearts are not weighed down by the worries of this life.  We are to be alert at all times, and pray constantly, trusting in God to bring us through it all.


Nov. 27:  First Sunday of Advent:  Mark 13: 33-37

Advent begins today!  Let us keep awake as we prepare for Christ’s coming again.

Let us pray to receive the hope, peace, joy, and love that Christ brings!